It’s been a while since I’ve written something, so before I begin doing what it is that I usually do, I’d like to first apologize for the inconsistency, and thank you for the support. So, March. March in many countries in the Northern Hemisphere is the birth of Spring, such a joyous time of the […]
Author: Anirudh Rohit Chandrasekar

Passion is probably the most underestimated and misinterpreted word in the history of English, time immemorial. Passion to me, is the truest expression of one’s desires. It’s the fuel that keeps the fire in you burning, pushing you to reach the zenith and beyond. But one thing a lot of us will agree upon is […]

Special. Everyone wants special. Nobody wants the ordinary, do they? It’s special this, special that. You sit in a restaurant and you order a special dosa because what, this one has better tasting dough in it? I don’t see the point, but whatever makes you sleep at night, right? If that extra twenty bucks is […]

Supra as you will find from any mechanical or automobile engineer from India, is quite the deal. Graduating out of school from quite a small, closely knit community in an often forgotten part of Chennai, I was very happy to have enrolled myself in a good college for a course I’ve always dreamt of studying, […]

Do you sometimes think you’re too good for this world? Do you sometimes think the world’s too good for you? Do you sometimes think that you’re in a separate realm, stuck between actual reality and your version of reality? It’s quite common. It’s actually priceless, those moments of sticking your head into the refrigerator and […]

Life. What am I doing in life? Well, for starters, you aren’t the only one asking yourself that. Everyone else your age is torturing themselves with the same question. This happens not just when you’re a college kid. It would’ve happened to you in school, as early as in grade nine, or earlier. Raise your […]